Opening Doors to the
Exclusive World of Top Notch Management Consulting
Our founders come from the rigorous client-facing management consulting background. Old ways of people being tied to an office or cubicle are over, ushering in a new era of highly skilled, virtually anywhere corporate brains. Freelancing is no longer for the back office services of IT departments. Rather, it is a lifestyle that high-end professionals choose, empowering them to enjoy life and work equally! This model also transcends the restrictions of a physical commute and instead connects the best, highly matched resources and individuals across State and Country lines.
Our Mission
We are a company of thorough professionals and proud freelancers who
are globally connected and ready to take on serious business challenges
and help our client teams succeed – whether it is brand management, or
a new market entry, or a supply chain due diligence before merger – our
professionals have the passion, right skills and experience to help!

Our Story
Given our significant experience working with Fortune 100 clients and billion dollar accounts, we understand how critical it is to having the right resources for the right role. Our Pro channel hand-picks high-performing, high-quality professionals, from IT development to Management Consulting, Investment Banking, Private Equity and so on. These professionals are not only experts in their areas, and have great reviews from their clients, but also have gone through a rigorous screening process that weighs emotional intelligence as equally as industry competence, by our SkillQuo team. We encourage resume submissions for our professionals to ensure hiring companies get a great understanding of their skill sets.
SkillQuo, Co-Founder