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Why are Highly Skilled Professions Moving Online and Away from Traditional Brick-and-Morter Buildings?

highly skilled consultants moving online

Due to the influence of information technology, automation and telecommunication systems, the way we work and find the top notch professionals is evolving. Simply put, we are heading towards an economy that requires talent on-demand.

Even and especially high-end positions such management consultants, investment bankers and private equity professionals rapidly move into freelance platforms.

Here’s how it happens.

– Modern economic trends encourage professionals to work independently

Let’s face the truth; populations across the globe age faster year by year. We, the modern society, have already witnessed the giant leap of internet. Companies across the globe are now trying to minimize recruitments and develop new strategies to maintain growth at lower costs. In fact, most of the companies now prefer to work on variable costs rather than paying fixed salaries for permanent employees. Even the high-end professionals like consultancy and investment advisory are sought by companies on per-job basis. This is a great encouragement for professionals to think of working independently.

– Influx of Millennials to the industry

The number of Millennials in every industry has grown significantly. These Millennials will dominate the entire business world for several upcoming decades and have been inundated with technology and social media since birth. It is a way of life. As many sources of research indicate, Millennials strongly prefer to work with greater amount of flexibility, more learning potential, better international exposure and independence. With the widespread availability of freelance platforms that are dedicated to high-end professions, younger professionals are tempted to work as freelancers.

– Businesses are going to rely on professional networks

Thanks to LinkedIN, the ladders, and other such platforms, more and more businesses are going to rely on professional networks in order to find talent that they need. Modern freelancing platforms are built with the combination of networking characteristics and high-end technology. Modern businesses prefer to hire highly talented professionals on project-based terms and are in search of talented professionals. So, these freelancer platforms warmly invite qualified professionals across the globe to explore the available opportunities and step out of their regular 9-5 shifts.

– The influence of social media and communication

As we all know, social media greatly influences the decisions that people make. With the sophisticated communications and widespread social media platforms available today, professionals can easily build relationships with various businesses that need the service of qualified, high end professionals. Moreover, these social media platforms are capable of creating good awareness about the ample opportunities available for freelancers across the globe.

Seasoned, highly skilled professionals often seek international exposure to further their professional careers. Platforms such as Skill Quo create the perfect arena for such professionals to approach overseas clients pretty easily and maximize their international potential. This is another practical reason for professionals to get attracted to freelance platforms. The flexible working hours, ability to experience independence, unlimited earning potential and versatile experience are other valid reasons for professionals across the globe to embrace these freelance platforms.

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About The Author

I graduated from a top 20 university (Emory) with a dual degree in English and Business. I have pursued a thriving business career with just over a decade of experience in marketing strategy, branding, and communications. I have worked with Fortune 100 companies’ billion dollar accounts, empowering them to create their most enduring brand stories. However, my most challenging accounts have been the boutique-sized accounts, where the money had to work hard for the client. I have also forayed into teaching high school English. I know when to be pithy and to the point. Conversely, I know how to weave a web of words like a work of art so that it ensconces the reader like a cocoon.


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