Whether you wish to hire or to work, SkillQuo is free to join and try.
If you are business, we will not charge you for posting roles and interviewing our consultants.
If you are a consultant, we do not charge you a fee for joining our community of experts, nor for bidding on projects.
We collect 20% from the payments made to our consultants.
If you hire a consultant full-time off our site, we will charge you a 10% fee of their first year of salary.
When hiring a SkillQuo Consultant, you must use our site to pay fees, for your protection and for the protection of our consultants.
SkillQuo holds your payment in escrow, and funds get released only when the project is completed to your satisfaction.
SkillQuo Empowers You to Find A Top Notch Professional.
Without the Huge Markups or Overhead fees at Traditional Management Consulting Firms or Recruitment Firms.
What Would A SkillQuo Consultant Typically Charge You?
These rates reflect the sample of our consultant pool.
Some Sector Knowledge
Strong Sector Knowledge
Exceptional Sector Knowledge

These are standard timeline fees. Rush projects will be priced appropriately.