freelancing questions ,

Best questions to ask about freelancing

15As a concept, freelancing has gained an outstanding popularity over the past decade or so. Hundreds of thousands of enthusiastic, skilled individuals across the globe are eagerly waiting to enter this exciting industry, yet they have some facts to verify. As expertise assistance, this article answers some of the best questions pertaining to freelancing.

  1. What is freelancing?

In simplest terms, freelancing is selling a particular skill for a predetermined price within a specific period. Freelancers (AKA contractors) can determine their price on ‘per-job’ basis or hourly basis. Clients often come back to the same freelancer if the provided service is delivered as promised.

  1. Can anyone become a freelancer?

Yes. Anyone who has a sellable skill or a service which is required by a particular individual or an organization can become a freelancer.

  1. Who needs the services of freelancers?

Generally, from individuals to multinational companies and from charities to government bodies require the services of freelancers.

  1. What are the sellable services as a freelancer?

Truth to be told, services offered by freelancers cannot be limited to a specific list. As per the modern trends, however, the following services have a great demand.

  • Content writing/copy writing
  • Web development / web designing
  • Mobile application development
  • Graphic designing
  • Virtual assistance/IT support/call center
  • Photo manipulation
  • Brand Management/ Social Media Management

Now even high-end management consulting, investment banking, private equity and other professional services are becoming mainstream in the freelancing world.

If your skill or service isn’t in the ‘popular list’, that doesn’t mean that you can’t become a freelancer. You should look at the bright side; low demand also means less completion!

  1. What are the benefits of being a freelancer?

Becoming a freelancer delivers you various benefits including;

  • You decide the way you work

You don’t work under someone. You are your own. It is up to you to decide your working hours, earnings, leaves and holidays.

  • Earn money while you are at home

You don’t necessarily have to travel to another location (in case if you have to, you may charge for travelling separately). You can comfortably be at home and work as far as you have a good, steady internet connection.

  • Get paid quickly

Unlike salaried employees, freelancers get paid as soon as the job is completed. You don’t have to wait for a weekly or monthly salary.

  1. How to start a freelancing career?

Clarify your skill precisely; you know what you are good at. Then, find a freelancing platform that suits your skills and services. There are various platforms in the modern world as a response to the increasing demand for freelance work. However, it is always good for a beginner to start in a platform where there is less competition. Don’t ever try to sell a skill that actually you don’t have.

Freelancing is a reliable income source. It can help you making a reliable and growing income as long as you offer a genuine, dependable and supreme quality service. The key behind the success it to adhering to basics; be punctual and deliver as you promised.

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About The Author

I graduated from a top 20 university (Emory) with a dual degree in English and Business. I have pursued a thriving business career with just over a decade of experience in marketing strategy, branding, and communications. I have worked with Fortune 100 companies’ billion dollar accounts, empowering them to create their most enduring brand stories. However, my most challenging accounts have been the boutique-sized accounts, where the money had to work hard for the client. I have also forayed into teaching high school English. I know when to be pithy and to the point. Conversely, I know how to weave a web of words like a work of art so that it ensconces the reader like a cocoon.


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